Well, you may have already heard that the the antiwar single, a cover of Edwin Starr's 'War - What Is it Good For?' has made it into the top ten already. It's presently at number six in the charts with precious few resources, and could, with sufficient effort, make it to number 1. The BBC, in their infinite rubberiness, have decided to ban it, fearing that its antiwar message will offend the government. It has already appeared in a number of news broadcasts, and news items, and it has been played across the world. However, senior sources in the BBC say that a banning order has been promulgated, preventing the single from being given further coverage on its programmes. This comes after a radio segment that was due for broadcast this afternoon was pulled at the last moment. It would be a little bit embarrassing if the BBC was to avoid playing the number one single in the charts, launched by mass campaign from below, with few resources.
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here, and when you've done that, kindly text "peace1" to 78789, whereupon you can collect your own copy.